Increase your lawns beauty with over seeding
When your existing lawn looks tired and spotty, it might be a good time to think about replacing it altogether. There are two options to take into consideration. The first option is to install sod, which is more expensive but provides you with an instant lawn. The initial watering of the newly laid sod is crucial and should be done daily for the first two weeks, completely soaking it each time.
The second option is to seed your lawn. This is the less expensive option, but it requires more of your time and attention to ensure success. Seeding requires more watering, control of weeds that may appear and, often, re-seeding sparse areas due to a standard 60% germination rate.
A sparse or patchy lawn will be improved when a proper over seeding method is used. Ideally, over seeding should be done in the last two weeks of August and first two weeks of September, although it can also be done during the month of May, when temperatures are cooler and there is more rainfall.
Measure your total lawn area and calculate the square footage (length x width = square footage) in order to determine the amount of seed you will need. It is important to prepare the surface by vigorously raking the area to remove debris and expose the soil for good seed-to-soil contact.
Method 1:
- Generously spread seed over the area – 1 kg will cover approx. 450 sq feet in shade and 750 sq feet in the sun.
- Cover the seed with soil, compost or burlap blanket. Be sure not to bury the seed more than ½ cm deep.
- Lightly rake the seed-soil mixture with a leaf rake to get good seed-to-soil contact.
- Water lightly and often: 1/4 inch daily for two weeks then cut back to every other day for 2 weeks. This last step is crucial to seeding success.
Method 2:
- Prepare your seed mixture: measure 20 parts of soil to 1 part and mix thoroughly.
- Spread this mixture evenly over the area.
- Lightly rake the seed-soil mixture around with a leaf rake to get good seed-to-soil contact.
- Water lightly and often: 1/4 inch daily for two weeks then cut back to every other day for two weeks. This last step is crucial to seeding success.
Feeding Your Lawn
Fertilizer is the most important part of ensuring a great lawn all season long. Greenhorizons Fertilizer 16-16-16 is a well-balanced fertilizer with lots of root and plant cell strength builder – great to protect your lawn against heat, stress and traffic.
To determine the necessary amount, first measure your lawn area and calculate the square footage (length x width = square footage).
Greenhorizons 16-16-16 should be applied at 8 lbs per 1,000 sq feet. (Take your total square footage and divide by 1,000. Then multiply by 8. This is how much 16-16-16 you will need to fertilize your whole lawn).
Now you can begin spreading. Divide the calculated amount of fertilizer you need in half. In a criss-cross pattern, spread one half in one direction and the second half in the opposite direction. Set the spreader very low. As with seeding, it’s better to go over an area a second and third time rather than run out before you get the whole lawn covered.
Greenhorizons 16-16-16 should be applied three to four times per year: early May to get your lawn started, late June just before our dry summers, early September to thicken up your lawn and early November as a dormant application.
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